Click the green buttons below to learn about each of weaving level and our classes.

All our classes are very beginner-friendly and we welcome all levels of learning. Start your weaving journey today!

Check our FAQs page for information on classes, booking a workshop and our policies.

Types of Looms

This quick guide can help you decide which loom is right for you to start with.

Frame Loom Weaving is a great way to start if you’re curious to try it out to see if you like the craft.

  • PROS

  • The frames are easy to set up and generally portable in size.

  • The complete kits to get you started are affordable and you can add more tools and accessories along the way.

  • A great option for kids ages 10+

  • CONS

  • The project sizes are limited to the size of the frame.

  • The loom will not weave complex patterns on its own as it is a manual weaving only loom.

Rigid Heddle Looms are a step up from frame weaving as you can weave much larger projects.

  • PROS

  • Various looms sizes, light and portable.

  • Affordable but price can range.

  • Easy to set up.

  • A great option for kids ages 12+.

  • CONS

  • Projects are limited to the width of the loom but offer length.

  • The loom will not weave complex patterns without learning more complex techniques.

  • Weaving takes longer for large projects.

Table Looms are more commitment but offer flexibility because of their size and complexity.

  • PROS

  • Compact looms sizes.

  • Weave a variation of patterns and techniques to grow your practice.

  • Less intimidating to learn on than floor looms.

  • CONS

  • The project sizes are limited to the width of the loom but the length can be much longer.

  • They can be pricey new but used ones can be found for affordable prices.

  • Require additional accessories to weave.

Floor looms are the most versatile loom and offers a lot of growth for your weaving practice.

  • PROS

  • Your practice can expand as more complex weaving techniques can be done on 4-8 shaft jack looms.

  • They are a great investment if you love weaving and want to weave larger projects.

  • CONS

  • They are a big commitment for those looking to become serious weavers.

  • Expensive brand new and require additional accessories to weave.

  • Require a large space to store but compact looms are an option.

Our thorough courses teach you all the necessary fundamentals for weaving on your own with confidence.


Intro to Tapestry Weaving
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Intro to Tapestry Weaving
from CA$175.00

Perfect introduction to learning how to weave in a one day workshop.

Intro to Circular Weaving Intro to Circular Weaving Intro to Circular Weaving
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A unique weaving style that is great for beginners in a short class.

Intro to Rigid Heddle Loom Weaving Intro to Rigid Heddle Loom Weaving Intro to Rigid Heddle Loom Weaving Intro to Rigid Heddle Loom Weaving Intro to Rigid Heddle Loom Weaving
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If you have a rigid heddle loom or thinking of getting one, this class will cover all the basics.

Perfect introduction class to learning how to weave on a table loom or floor loom.

Make a scarf in this beginner friendly 4 shaft loom class.

Learn at your own pace with one-on-one guidance.

Grow your practice by learning new techniques and explore through sampling. Previous weaving experience is required for the following techniques.


Learn the beautiful patterns that overshot can offer.

Make a Shawl - Floor Loom Weaving Make a Shawl - Floor Loom Weaving Make a Shawl - Floor Loom Weaving Make a Shawl - Floor Loom Weaving Make a Shawl - Floor Loom Weaving Make a Shawl - Floor Loom Weaving Make a Shawl - Floor Loom Weaving Make a Shawl - Floor Loom Weaving Make a Shawl - Floor Loom Weaving
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Step up your weaving knowledge of twills and make a large scale weaving.

Explore new techniques in a custom private class.

We would be happy to guide you if you want to weave more complex projects. Previous weaving experience is required for the following techniques.


Learn how to expand the width of your woven cloth and the playful techniques double weave offers.

Learn about this versatile weft-faced technique to design intricate patterns.

Make a large scale boundweave rag rug to explore weft-faced twill patterns.